Multi-Language suggestion

I would like to make a suggestion that for all proposals to be in Multi-Language.

  • Community members doing the translations so global investors are aware of what they are voting for and understand what they are voting for or against.

  • I also suggest there should be an option on the website for people to have text auto translated to their native language, again to give global investors a better understanding.

  • It is a good idea to have YFI ambassadors from different countries to translate proposals.


Great suggestion. When Binance first started, they recruited “Binance Angels” from different countries.
They helped with community management and were a big part of Binance’s growth.

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Machine translation has its pitfalls, would suggest a disclaimer on any machine translated text warning of its possible inaccuracy.

Additionally, would be worth deciding whether we wish to bountify translations and localization to deliberately drive global engagement and inclusion, or stop short at a best effort/community driven basis.


Yes I believe this can take us to the next level with growth and adoption

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I think for each language there should be at least 2 dedicated people for that country known as YFi ambassadors.

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As a community we should vote for which languages and who should be the ambassadors.

Maybe we could on smart contract have a tip box that the community optionally gives and that gets distributed to the ambassadors every 3 months


I am up for language specific telegram groups and discord channels and against translations on forum, at least for now.

Forum threads should be coherent discussions and dividing those hearts a lot.

@MultiLanguage it is great being payed but would you be willing to do that for free? :thinking:
Most of the stuff in the ecosystem is done voluntarily. This, however, doesn’t imply there will be no rewards in the future.


It can be free or up to community members to voluntarily donate into a pool that is distributed to the ambassadors. If there is nothing in the pool ambassadors do not get paid.


Right, just making sure you understand that most of the time people end up working for free :see_no_evil:


It’s absolutely essential that Yearn is multi-language. I fall under the philosophical camp that the future is east and nothing makes that more glaringly obvious than how that side of the world embraces crypto.

We should do everything in our power to encourage community members in China, South Korea, Japan, and beyond to join us.

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Do they though? Is Andre going to work for free? I don’t think we should expect translators to work for free either.

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  • forum moderation
  • website updates (YIPs)
  • gov UI pull requests
  • on-chain (dune) analytics
  • quorum stats
  • waifu pics
  • telegram stickers

are either made\done for free or paid by people themselves.

As to Andre, no idea, can say for sure he had no YFI pre-mine. :wink:


This is a great idea :pray: There is now a #yip-translations channel in the Discord, if you are interested in helping out swing by:

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We need someone to also be maintain all of the ambassadors.
So we have our translators then we need someone to make sure they are doing what they are supposed to be doing or a maybe even 2 ambassador leaders just checking up on ambassadors

:100: that’s a great idea! Would you or anyone else you know be interested in organizing this? We are trying to coordinate in #yip-translations come say hi :grin:


From my experience, you’d be surprised.


Am up for helping translate

@azadeh I would recommend heading to the discord server and heading to the #docs channel to ask how you can help