Proposal: Rethinking Capital Allocation

Would these tokens be vested? I’m not sure I see the point in taking away contributor autonomy by forcing a buyback if the people receiving these tokens will then go on to sell/do whatever with them, it just seems like salary with extra steps.

I love the idea but I think it needs work in terms of vesting schedules/bonuses/exit penalties. I’m not familiar with early-stage startups but this seems like the best model to base these ideas from. I believe they wouldn’t just give straight unlocked equity, which YFI is.

Another question is; stock options typically pay off on some sort of liquidity event, like an exit or an IPO. Yearn is already trading and has liquidity. If YFI is no longer revenue-producing whilst in this growth stage, will we be handing over tokens that suffer in terms of the price until x point? When is the growth stage over? What would trigger a reversal of this YIP back into YFI generating revenue for stakeholders.

I think in summary I like the idea but its way too broad, which is fine at this stage I guess.