We should start looking at BTC/renBTC vault strategies

I suggest we start looking at $BTC and $renBTC vault strategy guys. This latest cooperation between renprotocol and UMA could be a game changer for whole Defi space. New liquidity from BTC holders seeking additional yield could be massive.

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There is already a BTC vault with currently 1635 BTC locked and I think more are in the works… If I remember correctly renBTC is on the list but there’s concerns as Ren is not fully decentralized yet. Still in phase 0.

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well the sBTC vault has 1/3 renBTC anyway, so we are exposed to that risk already.
Any other reasons for not having renBTC vault?

the sBTC vault APY fall drastically.

Closing this, as there are plenty of other well-developed threads discussing crvBTC vaults and other options.