Weekly Updates, Week Ending November 15th, 2020

For an overview of everything going on in the Yearn Ecosystem, check out this week’s Yearn Finance Weekly Newsletter. Highlights this week include YFI added as collateral on MakerDAO and a collaboration between Yearn and Hegic on binary options.

For more detailed information on Yearn’s governance from the past week, check out @nomad’s Yearn Governance Roundup. This week saw several YIPs pass, including setting the v2 yVault fee structure and strategist reward, officially establishing yAcademy, and formalizing Yearn’s Operations funding.

For more detailed information about Yearn’s yVaults, check out our newest State of the Vaults. This week Yearn launched a new Compound Pool yVault, the v2 HEGIC yVault bought a WBTC lot, and a v2 SushiSwap ETH-DAI yVault went live. :sushi:

And for daily updates, follow YFI Pulse.


Sweet, looking forward to working together…(new guy if you can’t tell lol)