YIP 14: yEarn Rewards Reserve

When viewed in the context of YIP-14 if it passes; this proposal has majority ‘for’ votes but no quorum currently, this could mean that we are not for settling for a fixed percentage?

Otherwise we can instead have a proposal for the yield % going to reward reserves, set at 0% initially and further increase later on, until a maximum threshold of 5 - 9%. (uniswap-v2 also has the protocol fee variably set at zero)

Reviewed on another thread here - Absolutes and differentials on this blog post by Vitalik who talks about setting a success metric:

To find out what is the percentage of yield to be set aside as protocol fees, but instead letting prediction markets determine the outcome.

To illustrate, if the TVL (success metric) crosses a certain milestone after 12 months, then protocol fees are increased by 1% or lowered 1% accordingly as determined by prediction markets.

Smmry link (intro to futarchy):