Ether payment keeps failing when trying to withdraw from vault

Anyone else experience this? I get a mining fee and agree to pay it but the payment fails.

Please be more specific, which Vault are you trying to withdraw from? What’s the gas price? Is it equal or above what’s recommended on:

The ALink vault. Can’t see the gas price. Where do I find that?

It’s ridiculous that I’m having trouble withdrawing my funds. Has anybody else had the same issue?

Are you using Metamask?

coinbase wallet, please help

I tried joining the discord and asking for help but I cant post any messages

that’s bogus to not provide support on gov forum because these discussions highlight obvious bugs

Governance forum is for the evolution of the project. I’m not a moderator and I have no experience with Coinbase wallet. Can’t help you much for that one, sorry.

Have you tried Telegram? You should be able to import your seed to Metamask and withdraw easily. I recommend using Metamask for interactions with ETH and dApps based on it.

I have had several withdraw issues with the Coinbase Wallet. Migrate it to Metamask and your issues will be probably gone. There is no risk.

The yalink vault is charging me over half and ether to withdraw. That’s ridiculous. Way more than the .05% fee.

The vault does not set the transaction fee, that’s determined by the network. Transactions are very expensive right now for everybody because the ethereum network is congested. You can educate yourself here:

Also the withdrawal fee is 0.5%.


Also as a note for future…always test with a small amount of funds to make sure you are comfortable with the workflow before depositing larger amounts…the yearn smart contracts are pretty robust…but there are other variables at play like ethereum network congestion, coinbast/metamask wallet issues.

Like others have suggested…switch to metamask…i have been using metamask without any issues.

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Hey, we discourage support questions on governance forum. Join Telegram or Discord to get community help.