Looking for help

Hi there,

So, im new to this stuff and looks like I need some help…
I deposited some coins on curve and it showed me some link to stack my LP tokens that I used.
I send then my Curve.fi yDAI/yUSDC/yUSDT/yTUSD token to the Governance V2 Pool. My transaction was successful but the amount of my tokens was 0. I refreshed the page but still 0. My tokens was moved from Metamask so there’s a 0 aswell.( Ethereum Transaction Hash (Txhash) Details | Etherscan ) I was able to hit unstoke but nothing happened… so, my tokens are gone. Nothing is showing up even if I check mannualy … what can I do?

The governance pool only accepts YFI

YCRV needs to be deposited into the yvault

Did you use the website front end or did you send ycrv to the gov address directly?

I used the website, just hit the stake button… so is there anything got get the tokens back?

Looking at this transaction - https://etherscan.io/tx/0xd7ef129f92cf86e5a3d84521663ffe6610f9c4ca569f24c2d2f025464b0df6ff
It is only an “approve spending” transaction.

It seems you did successfully deposit your yUSD into the gauge (where you mint CRV) - https://etherscan.io/tx/0xf48101bc63b31e160e331decace9a27094edf1c8b739dae61b03360c8750768b

If you go to https://dao.curve.fi/minter/gauges, you should be able to see your funds :slight_smile:

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Yes I did, and all went fine. I’m able to see it aswell. The next step is where I need some help. Doing it I received some LP tokens and send them to the governance v2 (not the right pool I suppose) on yearn.finance and they don’t show up there but are gone from my wallet aswell…

Answered on telegram, pls lock.

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