Weekly Updates, Week Ending October 25th, 2020

For an overview of everything going on in the Yearn Ecosystem, check out this week’s Yearn Finance Weekly Newsletter. Highlights this week include information about Yearn’s upcoming AMA, YFI futures listed on BitMEX, and a post detailing what Yearn means to many community members.

For more detailed information on Yearn’s governance from the past week, check out @nomad’s Yearn Governance Roundup. This week saw proposals for revamping Yearn’s fee model, establishing a new class of yVaults that allow impermanent loss, and the announcement of Yearn’s September community grant recipients.

For more detailed information about Yearn’s yVaults, check out our newest State of the Vaults. This week the yGUSD Vault went live, a new DAI strategy (for multiple vaults) moved closer to completion, and v2 yVaults went public with their first test vault.

And for daily updates, follow YFI Pulse.